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How’s your landing page… landing with your customers?

Landing page best practice

So, you’re running some great ads as part of your campaign – text-based search on Google and some visual HTML5 ads on Google Discovery, as well as a few videos on Meta. They might be officially the best ads ever made – but, you’re losing those all-important leads as soon as your audience clicks through […]

One Month into GA4: Level up your tracking for the ultimate ROMI

Google Analytics 4

It has been a whirlwind of a month since the launch of Google Analytics 4 (GA4), the latest and most advanced iteration of the analytics platform. For businesses everywhere, GA4 presents a significant opportunity to gain valuable insights into their online presence and customer journeys – but what if many brands are finding out it’s […]

AI or Human: The revelations between machine and mankind

The past three weeks we’ve been on a mission to find out if AI can be a dependent tool in the marketing world and whether or not it’s really worth utilising. To do this, we set out with a series of challenges for our in-house creative team and online AI robots. We briefed them on […]

The Future Of Google Is Here: What You Need To Know

The way we search could potentially be changing forever. AI is switching up the way Google will present results with a whole new generative search experience, a game changer for advertisers. In a bid to make the search experience tailored and custom to the users query, the future of search is now in  the hands […]

BrightonSEO 2023: Everything You Need To Know

We were lucky enough to attend the first brightonSEO conference of 2023, and it didn’t disappoint. BrightonSEO is the world’s biggest search engine optimisation conference, a chance for search marketers to gather, meet, learn and share best practices. And best of all, it’s in our very own hometown, a few streets away from our central […]

TikTok Today – All the news and updates you need to know

Time to talk everything TikTok! What’s the news? Any game-changing updates? Can I still use it? We’ve got you covered.  If you’re not using or considering using TikTok as part of your social media strategy, where you at?  Branding, ad campaigns, influencer marketing – TikTok covers a massive range of marketing possibilities. But, as one […]

5 Marketing Trends Happening in the Tech Industry you need to know about right now

Technology has overhauled the way we live our lives, from our cars, kitchen equipment or pretty much anything with a screen. The tech industry is a forever dynamic environment, continuously evolving as the world spins around. Sometimes, it can feel difficult to keep up with the latest trends and innovations available in the market to […]

How to make data your most-utilised asset

Target audience

Are you concerned about the impact that a cookieless future will have on your brand? 87% of marketers believe data is their most underutilised asset – it’s time to change this. The removal of third-party cookies is imminent, despite Google pushing it back once or twice. Change is coming, so it’s up to your company […]

PAIR: Google’s solution to a cookie-less future?

Google PAIR laptop

Google has launched a new advertising solution that allows advertisers to gain access to customer data shared with web publishers. This is just one of Google’s solutions to navigating a third-party cookie-less world, available on Display and Video 360 campaigns. So, what else do you need to know?  Firstly, what the heck is Display and […]

A new charity partnership for Arke

St Barnabas & Chestnut Tree House

There’s no denying that we’ve been growing at Arke, not just our team but our client base too. And there’s a new partnership in town that’s very special to us and our local area: Say hello to our new partners: St Barnabas & Chestnut Tree House, the hospice charity providing essential care for adults, children […]

Conversion funnel top tips: How to convert like never before

conversion funnel

Ever wondered how to set up Google Analytics to track each step your website visitors take? Asking why your leads aren’t moving through the funnel the way you’d like? You’re not alone, and we’re here to clear a few things up. On 24 August, our digital and analytics expert Younes Labbar hosted a masterclass webinar, […]

Arke Agency partners with Shay & Blue

Arke partners with Shay and Blue

That sweet scent of partnership is breezing through the office right now.  Arke is proud to announce our partnership with Shay & Blue, the fragrance company putting the natural and the individual at the forefront of their aromas. With a rooted affection for diverse and distinct fragrances, Shay & Blue intertwine inclusivity with eco-friendliness, creating […]

Google to Sunset ETAs – What Now?

Google and truck

Google is making changes to its Expanded Text Ads. Here’s everything you know about the latest advertising update. Say hello to Responsive Search Ads.

Ad to the Max! Google updates its Performance Campaigns

Google Ad Drone

Stop your trollies! Google just announced big changes to its Smart Shopping and Ad Campaigns. Want to know what’s hot off the press?  Let’s give a warm welcome (maybe) to Performance Max Campaigns (PMC), the all-in-one upgrade coming to the Google Ads Space.    But what is a PMC? When can we use them? Arke has […]

Benefits of Google Analytics 4

zoomed in faces on torn up paper

On October 14th 2020 Google announced the introduction of Google Analytics 4. This version of the much-used analytics platform is built upon the App + Web property that was released in beta 2019. There are some stark differences in the current and new versions. Most pertinently is its use of machine learning to help bring […]

Updates to Google FLoC

camera people taking photos of phone

Changes to Google could be approaching, as the company considers moving away from their cohort-based advertising and instead focus on a topic-oriented system. A significant impact for targeting methods on Google could be heading our way.  What’s happening to FLoC? Google Privacy Sandbox has revealed what the potential next steps are for Google and its […]

CMA brings in “Green Claims Codes”

globe wind turbine and person

It’s time to get green(er) everyone, get those brand values up-to-date and reviewed as the government is beginning to knuckle down on businesses that mislead falsely implemented green claims.   Wait, what’s going on?  The CMA (The Competition and Markets Authority) have given the red-light warning to companies that claim their products comply with the law […]

Customer Engagement: Acquisition & the Consumer Mindset 2021

man on laptop with chart

Everyone get those pads and pens ready; it’s time to take some notes! The DMA (Data & Marketing Association) have released their 2021 insights into customer engagement and consumer mindsets. The Big Picture  Before we jump into the nitty-gritty specifics, we wanted to highlight a few keynotes the DMA brought to the forefront of their […]

Au Revoir GDPR?


Huge transitions are coming to the UK and its data protection regulations in 2021 and beyond. These changes will have a significant impact on online users and marketers. We wanted to give you a quick heads up on what to expect following these recently announced changes. What’s going on? The government has announced that Britain […]

Out The Door For Open Rates

open rate letterboxes

Email marketing is one of the most effective ways to advertise to your audience. But what happens when a company changes the game, removes the ability to track open rates, fundamentally adjusting how we can use it? On Monday, June 7, Apple hosted its annual Worldwide Developers Conference at the San Jose Convention Centre in […]

The crumble of third party cookies

cookie on laptop screen

Since we’re here, why don’t we start at the very beginning…what actually is a cookie? A cookie is a small bite-size chunk of data that is given to a user once it visits a website and clicks ‘Accept Cookies?’ and it is then sent straight back. The idea is that it monitors the user’s behaviour, […]

Masterclass: “Google Analytics 4: what you need to know” Q&A


On Thursday 25th March, our expert marketing panel hosted the latest episode in our digital masterclass series: ‘Google Analytics 4: what you need to know’. You might have heard that Google will soon be scrapping third party cookies. Propelled by major shifts in consumer behaviour and privacy-driven changes to longtime industry standards, Google Analytics 4 […]

Simpson’s Paradox: Interrogating Your Data


How often do you receive a targeting brief with an audience like this?  Markets: UK, France, Italy, US, Germany Gender: 60% Male, 40% Female Age Range: 18-35 In the example above, we might guess that insights have been gleaned from an overall view of the data due to the lack of overlap between the variables. […]

Google update: Keyword match types

industry news

It was announced on 4/2/21 that Google will be merging phrase match and broad match modifier keyword types – the latest in a series of match-type rule changes brought forward over the years. In 2014, the search giants ended support for ‘pure’ exact match types and required advertisers to opt-in to allowing for close-variants of […]

Attribution: the missing link

people looking at brands

Attribution modelling is a framework for analysing the various marketing touchpoints, channels and tactics and determining which receive the credit for a specific conversion. Using attribution models helps marketers to better understand which parts of their marketing efforts are having the most effect on conversions, therefore enabling better data-driven decision making which can transform organisations. […]

5G & the future of mobile marketing

a phone on a miniature globe

5G is the next evolution in mobile technology which will have a significant impact on every aspect of our lives. From faster up and download speeds to lower latency and greater capacity, it promises to revolutionise the way we engage with and consume content. So, what is 5G? 5G is estimated to be 1,000 times […]

6 Steps To A/B Test Using Google Tag Manager

footprints in sand and test tube analysis

In part one of this series, we introduced you to the Importance of a Testing Culture within your marketing. In case you missed the article, you can check it out here. So why bother with a testing culture? Ultimately, introducing an AB (or other) testing culture will: provide you with a learning purpose to every task, […]

3 Key Takeaways from BrightonSEO for Digital Marketing

chips and keys

This is the third and final instalment in our blog series on last month’s BrightonSEO conference. We’re rounding off with our three favourite takeaways from the day, all of which we think will be key focuses for the digital marketing industry over the coming years. 1. SEO is About Having the Best Answer in the […]

Simple is Smart. Complicated is Stupid: Dave Trott at BrightonSEO

brighton and albert einstein

It would be an understatement to say I was excited when I heard the keynote speaker at this month’s BrightonSEO would be Dave Trott. I’ve been a big fan of his blogs and books for years. Of course, he didn’t disappoint! In true Dave style, he was blunt, straight to the point, and spoke complete […]

How to Stand Out When Attention Spans Are Short

There’s no denying that we are living in a fast-paced digital world. These days, content is everywhere in one form or another, and we’re all vying for each other’s attention. The impact? Modern consumers have short attention spans and lack patience, demanding fresh content here and now. Your audience can be fickle and what they […]

Top 5 Issues Found In Our Google Analytics Health Check

hearts and dog

One of the services our Analytics team provides, is a comprehensive Google Analytics health check. In fact, we have conducted one for almost a third of UK universities, gaining invaluable insight into common and complex issues and providing solutions to overcome them. To give you the chance to reflect on your Google Analytics set-up, Joe, […]